

Modalities Section

The modalities listed here are some of the techniques I am fully qualified and conversant in. I may use some or all of them as part of your programme. When you are making your commitment to the programme you are agreeing to the use of any or all of these modalities. If there are any you would prefer not to be included in your bespoke programme, please just let me know.

Soul Plan

"Connect with the very essence of who you are in this lifetime"

Soul Plan has its roots in the Sefer Yetzirah. It was channelled by Dr Frank Alper under the title of ‘Numerology of Moses” and extended further by Blue Marsden, author of ‘Soul Plan – Reconnect with your true life purpose’. I have worked with Blue as a student and later as a trainer of this wonderful method.

A Soul Plan is a valuable tool for self-discovery and personal development.

It can help you to understand yourself better, overcome challenges, and fulfill your life purpose:

Understanding Challenges: A Soul Plan reveals the challenges inherent in your life path. These challenges are not obstacles but opportunities for growth and learning. By identifying and understanding these challenges, you will gain insight into recurring patterns in your life and can approach them with greater clarity and resilience.

Clarifying Goals: Through a Soul Plan, you will gain clarity about your life goals and aspirations. By understanding your innate talents and strengths, as well as the challenges you face, you can set realistic and meaningful goals aligned with your authentic self. This clarity empowers you to pursue your aspirations with focus and determination.

Identifying Talents and Abilities: A Soul Plan highlights the talents and abilities you possess to achieve your goals and fulfil your life purpose. By recognizing and embracing these inherent strengths, you can leverage them to overcome challenges and create the life you desire. Understanding your talents empowers you to make conscious choices that align with your natural gifts and passions.

Discovering Life Purpose: A Soul Plan helps you to uncover your unique life purpose. By examining the talents and abilities encoded in your soul, you can discern the activities and endeavours that bring you fulfilment and joy. Understanding your life purpose provides a sense of direction and meaning, guiding your choices and actions toward fulfilling your highest potential.

I will create your ‘Star of Creation’ and we will work together, clarifying all of the above in your own personal plan.

Soul Transformation Therapy (STT).

Moving on from Soul Plan we then explore Soul Transformation Therapy (STT). Soul Transformation Therapy is a new spiritual counselling/healing system which helps you to identify any core issues in your life which may be holding you back from reaching your full life potential. It identifies and addresses any deep-rooted anxieties that you may be experiencing. The aim of this work is to clear stuck patterns, emotional and life purpose blockages and other challenges, to unify and blend the personality with the soul. This is where we get to the root cause of issues, imbalances, dis-comfort and dis-ease. Working at a higher spiritual level allows us to bypass the conscious mind and delve into the subconscious and unconscious minds where all our memories, experiences and knowledge is stored. We have all the answers within and all the solutions at our disposal, STT lets you find and utilise them with ease.

Soul Transformation Therapy was developed by Blue Marsden, founder of the Holistic Healing College in London and author of Soul Plan – Reconnect with your true life purpose.

The therapy is based on Soul Plan which is based on Frank Alper's foundational 'Spiritual Numerology of Moses' work. This method works on the conscious and unconscious levels and promises to bring the recipient greater freedom, connection, satisfaction, healing and life purpose activation.

The true power of STT lies in the Energy Guidance Cards that you'll draw from. Through deeper exploration of these cards, we can discern what needs to remain and what needs to be released for you to fully expand into your true potential.

As we delve into these cards, core issues are unveiled, allowing us to address and eliminate limiting beliefs. This initiates the journey towards fulfilling your soul purpose, guiding you towards a path of self-discovery and growth.

Rapid Energy Release with Silent Counselling

silent counselling

"A dynamic approach to restarting the flow of Qi"

This amazing modality was developed here in Scotland by Marjorie and John Cooper.

Silent counselling enables you to release negative emotions without the need to talk about past events. By integrating techniques such as muscle testing, pressure points, and breath work, this approach efficiently identifies and releases blocked emotions, restoring the vital flow of Qi or Chi, our life force energy. It moves us from victim to choice. We may have no choice over a particular event or trauma but we always have a choice in how we deal with this.  It will remove the triggered negative emotion which is causing distress and harm.

We can hold onto negative emotions such as fear, resentment, grief, bitterness, shame, lack of self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, heartache, anger, guilt and much more, for many years or lifetimes.

If we allow these negative emotions to accumulate, they can cause physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harm, and, therefore, prevent us from embracing our life's full potential.

We can identify where we have ‘stuck’ emotions in our body, where they originate from and let them go.

Bio Energy Healing

Bio-Energy Healing is a non-invasive health system which successfully treats physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances in your body by accessing and working with your Bio-Energy/Electro-magnetic field.

I use a series of specialised hand techniques around your body to remove stagnant energy and to re-establish the natural, balanced flow of the Electro-Magnetic field.

Several factors can contribute to blocked or stagnant energy within the body's bioenergetic field:

  • Emotional trauma: Past emotional experiences, especially those that are unresolved or deeply ingrained, can create energetic blockages.
  • Stress: Chronic stress can disrupt the flow of energy within the body, leading to blockages and imbalances.
  • Negative thought patterns: Persistent negative thoughts and beliefs can create energetic imbalances and contribute to blockages.
  • Physical trauma or injury: Injuries or physical trauma can disrupt the flow of energy in specific areas of the body, leading to stagnation.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle habits: Poor diet, lack of exercise, substance abuse, and other unhealthy lifestyle habits can impact the body's energy flow and contribute to blockages.

Atlantean Paddles

atlantean paddles

"Atlantean Healing Paddles were channelled 1984-1986 through Dr Frank Alper"

He was a spiritual pioneer, teacher of metaphysics and spiritual growth, and author. He wrote the three volumes of Exploring Atlantis.

The Atlantean Healing Paddles had already been used by the ancient Atlanteans and again now, with the onset of the magnetic age of Aquarius gain great importance for holistic wellbeing and spiritual growth.

Atlantean energy healing paddles are powerful tools which work on the energy field with magnetic energies and colour vibrations.

Each paddle has a unique universal symbol/triangle through which the magnetic energy and colour vibration is focused through. They are used in many different ways on the body and energetic field.

They serve to balance many conditions with their geometric form and colour.

Many people feel an instant connection to them and feel very calm and relaxed whilst experiencing their healing energy.